We’re ‘always on’ 24/7 for instant quotes and fast referrals
Our digital model gives brokers instant online quotes, referrals within an hour, and access to all-important documents and policy information in just a few clicks.
Did you know that 31% of all e-trading referrals took longer than 24 hours as recently as May 2023? Backlogs like this make it impossible for brokers to offer a fast and efficient service.
Thankfully, however, our ‘always on’ digital e-trading platform makes delays a thing of the past. Quotes come through instantly and referral responses take just 30 minutes for motor and 1 hour for everything else.
This means you’ll enjoy the same level of service as large, multinational organisations. Plus you can access crucial documentation and policy information 24/7 as and when you need it.
Fast but flexible
Our online platform is also incredibly flexible: referrals are accepted by email, phone, or portal through MS Amlin or Acturis, whether you’re requesting new business, renewals, or mid-term adjustments. You can also submit referrals 24/7 so these will be reviewed as soon as possible during working hours.
We’re therefore ‘always on’ for you. In fact, our ’30-minute promise’ for motor referrals and ‘1-hour promise’ for the rest of our digital product range is a key part of our service agreement.
Digitised but with a personal touch
Although our digital approach makes life simpler, you can still pick up the phone when needed. We’re champions of a hybrid approach so there’s always someone to talk to if you need help or advice.
Brokers therefore enjoy a streamlined but supportive service. There’s always a human to talk to if the computer says no.
Unrivalled underwriters
Our e-trading model also allows our expert underwriters to focus on what they do best. They’re a highly specialised and experienced team, with a deep knowledge of SME business and an extensive understanding of specific corporate risk profiles. Therefore, they can obtain answers to targeted requests quickly and deliver effective resolutions.
We also work in partnership with brokers to provide a personal e-trading experience. Our platform puts brokers in contact with key decision-makers, so questions are answered directly by the right person with the right knowledge. The result? We create policies that provide meaningful protection for our clients.