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At MS Amlin, we are dedicated to helping you provide meaningful insurance solutions for your clients.

In addition to our Acturis-based products, we work with our partner Brokers to develop a fully tailored, bespoke Underwriting system, with products to meet the unique needs of Brokers, Coverholders and Affinities who have specific scheme requirements.


Our white-labelling service is a great way to combine the strength of your brand with our digital expertise. Our in-depth knowledge of the SME market means we can tailor solutions to suit the unique needs of your clients – and if you require technical or operational support, we can be as hands-on as you like.

Depending on the scope of the opportunity, we can develop digital products with exclusive benefits, bespoke pricing and dedicated underwriters. We can also provide you with regular management information to help you keep your clients happy.

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Don’t have an MS Amlin Agency yet?

We’re here and ready to help. You can contact one of our Business Development Managers for assistance or get in touch with us for anything else. We look forward to hearing from you.

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