Commercial Combined Insurance
Rather than taking out separate policies for different types of risk, our Commercial Combined cover protects your clients against multiple threats, in a single modular plan. This product has been developed for SME businesses across over 1000 unique trades giving you choice and flexibility.

Key Benefits
Exclusive Broker Partnership
We exclusively partner with brokers, ensuring you have access to our specialised policies and a tailored approach to your insurance needs through your trusted broker.
Insurance Solutions
for over 1,000 unique trades
Cover available
to new business ventures
Legal expenses
included for free
Up to £100,000
cyber cover available as an optional extra
£25,000 equipment breakdown
Cover included as standard
Standard cover
Material damage
- Fire and perils included as standard
- Buildings including landlords fixtures and fittings, outbuildings, car
parks and loading bays - General Contents including personal effects £1,000, Money £1,000,
Wines and spirits £1,000 - Office computers, software, stock and materials
- Stock and material in trade, work in progress, finished goods
- Replacement of locks following theft of keys
- Additional metered water charges up to £10,000
- Trace and access up to £10,000 / 10% of the sum insured
Legal expenses (covered as standard)
- Limit of indemnity £250,000
- TUPE cover included as standard
- Cover for restrictive covenants
- Crisis communication service
- No policy excesses
- Contract excess removed
- Mediation costs added
- Jury service inner limit removed
- Directors and partners included in motor prosecution defence
- Fair and proactive claims handling (specialist independent solicitors, no Alternative Business Structure (ABS))
Money (covered as standard)
- Loss of negotiable money (crossed cheques) £250,000
- Loss of money in transit / during business hours £5,000
- Damage to safes, franking machines and carrying cases
- Personal injury (robbery) cover included
- Engineering Breakdown up to £25,000
Optional cover
Business interruption
- Selected perils
- Prevention of access
- Exhibition cover up to £100,000
- Unspecified customers or suppliers within the EU, Norway,
Switzerland and Iceland up to 10% of the sum insured or £250,000,
whichever is the less - Failure of Utilities up to £250,000, any one loss
- Murder, disease
- Additional expenses – employees lottery win
- Loss of business income resulting from damage covered under
buildings, contents and stock - Book debts of up to £250,000
Trade all risks
- Damage by any cause UK / EU or Worldwide
Goods in transit
- Accidental damage to property whilst in transit
- Includes loading, unloading and temporary housing
- Damage to containers, tarpaulins, ropes, chains and fastenings
Computer breakdown
- Specified computer equipment due to breakdown at premises
- Additional rental charges up to £25,000
- Incompatibility of computer records up to £10,000
- Consulting engineers’ fees and claims investigations costs up to £5,000
- Temporary repairs and / or expediting permanent repairs up to 50% of cost or £25,000
Frozen foods
- Damage to foodstuffs whilst refrigerated due to breakdown or accidental leakage
Employers’ liability
- Limit of indemnity £10 million
- Terrorism £5 million
Public and products liability
- Limit of indemnity up to £5 million
- In respect of Material Damage and Business Interruption
- Cover for investigation costs, data restoration, business interruption and extortion
- 3 levels of cover up to £100,000
Prosecution defence costs applicable to liability extensions
- Costs and expenses in respect of criminal proceedings broughta against you
- Prosecution costs awarded against you
- Costs and expenses for legal representation
- Covers appeals against improvement and prohibition notices
incurred with our consent
Personal accident
- Capital benefits – £10,000
- Temporary total disablement preventing return to work £50 per week
up to 260 weeks - Temporary partial disablement preventing return to work £25 per
week up to 260 weeks - Medical Expenses up to £10,000
Theft by employees
- Limit of Indemnity (per claim) of £100,000
- Auditor’s fees – cost incurred
Other solutions
Property Owners Insurance
Shop insurance